"Oh no there is an issue with my order! The order was wrong/I need to change something on it/I need to do a return." 
Hey, mistakes happen, for everyone! Because OCD handles the shipping, they also handle this. They also have a full FAQ for it: FAQ / Returns

"I'm a member of the _______ chapter and we've got some great stuff that should be on the store!"

Awesome, we would love to host it! There are just a few steps:

  1. Make sure that there is chapter consensus to have a chapter store page- it will involve a little extra work!
  2. Next, the chapter should decide what items they'd like to have listed. 
  3. Once the items are picked, each one will need a catchy, descriptive adcopy- which is the flavor text and spec information that paints a full picture of the item. 
  4. Once that's written, send an email to executive@socialistra.org with at least one picture of each item by itself attached. Use "Store Listing for _[chapter name]_ SRA" in the subject line.

"I found this "SRA" item on Amazon/Etsy/Ebay/random Reddit. It doesn't link back to this store in any way. The sale of this item is not connected directly with an officially recognized SRA chapter. Is this legit?" 
Unfortunately the answer is going to be "no" 99.999% of the time. This store is the only official online source for SRA merchandise. Chapters may sell custom merch through alternative avenues, but those sales will always involve direct contact with a chapter or its members. Please reach out to copyright@socialistra.org if you ever have any questions about an item, or come across some suspected faux-ficial merch you think we ought to see.